My name is Michael. I am a guy with a passion for learning and gaming. I play a wide variety of games, but mostly sandbox adventure and RPGs.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

New start!

It has been a long while since I have posted anything on my blog.
I spent quite some time lost and disheartened at life. Most people would call it depression, but I think that word makes it sound as something that should be treated medically. I found it difficult to concentrate or dedicate myself to anything other than miscellaneous hobbies. Although in my "down" time I did learn how to play the electric guitar decently well, shoot an English long bow very accurately, throw knives quite consistently, and the basics of lock-picking it was about time for me to find the next thing; luckily, I found it.

As you may know, I have been working towards my Masters degree in Anthropology for the last two years, but job prospects, career opportunities, and some other things bummed me out more than I admitted. Now I have another path I am going to take. I am going to work on becoming a computer programmer. I am, like almost every other programmer, interested in programming video games. However, not achieving that goal does not mean that I failed. I would really like to work on AI programming and development. I did not mean for this post to be awe-inspiring, or motivational; it is more of a personal journal entry to officially mark this change for the better.

My plan:

  • Finish Masters with the a thesis focused on a traditional ethnographic piece on a prominent gaming community.
  • As I finish the Masters, I want to start working on my computer science degree. 
    • Fall 2013 - Calculus for Eng 2, and Physics for Eng 1.
    • Spring 2014 - Physics for Eng 2, and Foundations of Computer Science.
  • Make a programming portfolio.
  • Start working on Unity, GameMaker studio, and Unreal Engine.
  • Weekly posts! Topic or length not guaranteed, however. :)
Anyway.... Thanks for reading!

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