My name is Michael. I am a guy with a passion for learning and gaming. I play a wide variety of games, but mostly sandbox adventure and RPGs.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Physics, Promises, and Reviews?

I have most definitely not kept my promise of posting weekly. I know there is not traffic to my blog, but it is still a promise to myself. I did not realize how much time studying for physics and changing my way of thinking (from writing to mathematics) would take out of my life. I have noticed though that my previous knowledge of physics tends to come rushing back after a certain amount of practice and studying, which is what is allowing to stay on top of the material and the class. It is an amazing feeling.

I have written a couple of posts, but they are quite intellectual. However, I do not have enough research done to feel comfortable to posting it. In all honesty it feels a lot like speculation that is based on quick observation. I have not been able to do any research on the topic aside from my own observations, but I might be inclined to post it regardless one day.

Anyway, soon I will be signing up for a couple of websites that provide products and items for people to review. I will definitely be writing about those in my blog and doing some online marketing for them; this should prove to be fun and provide me with tangible experience reviewing products to be able to market myself as an writer for magazines or websites. Of course, preferably related to video games, but I am convinced I am quite fit for writing. In other words, I think the bulk of my future blogging will be from these reviews and such. I will have to develop a reviewing schematic for the type of products I will be reviewing. I believe that the one I was using for video games could be modified for other products, but it covers a lot of things, which makes it a very extensive read. I might have to think of a way to shortening them in order to be able to appeal to more readers that are looking to spend less time reading. I also plan on using the shorter reviews (I am uncertain whether I should I make two, a long one and a short one) for making tiny videos to upload to YouTube and post in my blog. This will ultimately force me to learn video editing programs and allow me be a far more well-rounded content designer.

Thanks for reading. Hope you have a good weekend.


  1. Hola! :) I am Ktzala from GSCH, your blog seems interesting and I am glad you have reviews of games I have been wanting to try for a while but I haven't been so sure if I will like them or not. Keep posting! ^_^

    1. Hola! lol :)
      I have been working on a Dragon's Prophet piece... simple, but still something. I honestly wished I had more time to dedicate to the blog. I really want to change the look of it and stuff... I haven't touched it in years... but classes and thesis are taking a huge time toll on me.
      If you want to try to do some video game blogs I recommend copying a website's reviewing model and applying it to a game you are very familiar with. That was the easiest way to do it for me. Anyway thanks for commenting! :D
